Speech Review

As a part of my learning on kaitiakitanga, I gave a speech about overfishing. Here is a link to my speech. According to my feedback, I was understood, I made eye contact, made good language choices, had a good structure, and had key facts related to the topic. I need to work on eye contact.

Subtraction Method

In maths we have been learning a method to help with addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. The one I learnt well was subtraction. You start from the right, subtracting the bottom number from the top, if you can’t, then you take 10 from the number on the left, like if you have a 4, you would get a 14. Then you put your answer under the line at the bottom. You continue until the left side, and then you have your answer.

All Flushed Out

In school today we did all flushed out, which is a lady called Jen that works at CCC who comes down and talks about the Christchurch wastewater treatment plant to schools. She talked about the 3 water systems freshwater, wastewater and stormwater.

For those who don’t know what they are, freshwater is what you use in your house, like shower water, or tap water. Stormwater carries away the rain water. Wastewater is the  water that we waste, 25% of wastewater is caused by the shower, but the least amount of wastewater is caused by the dishwasher which is 1%. There is over 200,000,000 million litres treated in NZ. There is a lot we learned about the treatment plant, and the fact that there is 200,000,000 million litres, means we need to make a change. This is our ideas:

  • Collect rain water to drink or water plants
  • A shorter shower is about 3-5 minutes long
  •  Don’t leave the tap running while brushing your teeth
  • Don’t use the dishwasher until its full
  • Don’t fill up your bath so much
  • Do the laundry when the load is full
  • Use environment friendly cleaning products
  • Buy water friendly appliances
  • Don’t put fats and oils down the sink
  • Don’t put chemicals down the drain
  • Waste disposal units are quite bad for it, so put them in the green bin
  • Be careful while watering the garden
  • Fix the leaks
  • Don’t put anything else in the toilet

Please bring these into account next time you’re in the kitchen, bathroom or garden as this is becoming a problem.

Arbor Day

Arbor Day

Arbor Day is a day where we celebrate the trees and the impact they have on the planet. We made cuttings, and this is how you make them.

  • First you go outside and cut off some side branches about 15 cm
  • Then you take off all of the leaves until there are only 2 leaves left
  • After you do that you poke some holes in the sand in a pot
  • Then you insert the pant into a powder that helps regrow the roots
  • Finally you put the plant in the sand and wait for it to grow!


So we did this to make an impact. This shows that we are working on being better people and making our environment safe as kitiaki.


Authors Purpose

In literacy we have been focusing on authors purpose. The main reasons someone would be writing something would be to inform, persuade, or entertain. We have been learning how to detect what one out of the 3 they are trying to achieve. We have looking at the site where you vote for a tree , and we looked at some of the tree descriptions.

You can tell that they were trying to persuade when they talked about the Hansen lemon tree because of their words and punctuation, they used the word popular and put an ! which are signs that they want you to vote it.

You can tell the Christchurch gallipolli oak description was quite straight forward so they would be trying to inform.


Maddie Davidson

Maddie Davidson is an olympic trampolinist. She went to many places to compete in the olympics, and was the first female trampolinist to represent New Zealand. She told us that the values they use is excellence, friendship and respect. She explained that you should always pursue your dreams and goals no matter what people tell you. She got a silver and a bronze medal at olympics.



Interest is when you keep $100 in your bank account for 1 week you get 5% added, and if you have $100 in your account for 2 weeks, then you get another 5%, and so on. How you get 5% is by taking $100 or how much you have in the bank, and moving the decimal point one number to the left. So 5% of $100 is $10.

Credit Scores

Credit Scores

A credit score is a score you get and if you manage to pay the bank back in time you have a good credit score, but if you don’t, then you will have a bad one and it’s harder to borrow from the bank. In banqer today we learned about credit scores, this is what we did.


Credit Score