Day: October 28, 2022

About The Ear

Parts of the ear:

There are a lot of little parts to the ear that you cannot see, for example the eardrum, which the particles hit first. The eardrum vibrates when the sound has entered the ear. Then after the vibrations move on to the three small bones called the hammer, anvil and stirrup. Then the vibrations move to the cochlear, which kind of looks like a snail shell. After that it goes up the nerves and into the brain for processing.

How sound travels:

When something makes a sound it vibrates and causes air particles to knock each other and enter the ear. It kind of looks like a wave, which is why they call it a sound wave! Did you know that you can make a harmonica with only a few very simple steps! There is soft sounds, loud sounds and lots of different pitches.

Hearing sound:

If you hit a tuning fork and put it straight up you can see the sound waves on the water. Directing sound is quite easy, you can do it with cups and string, string and utensils, tubes and a lot more!