Month: May 2022

6 Story Sentence

‘You don’t belong here!’ The words were playing again and again in my head as I sat slumped down on a branch that was 1,000 kilometers up in the air, but I didn’t care, all I wanted to do was fly freely on my broomstick to the tip of the mountain and explore the exciting human world, but if I went up there, I would betray everybody in the whispering witches and apparently if she likes humans she doesn’t belong. We are called that because we talk really quietly. She had just thought about it and what if the other witches did not see and she goes up there, they would not know, so that’s what she did. She felt a surge of energy explode inside of her as she reached it. But then she noticed that there were thousands of witches getting along with the humans, they lied to me!

Spelling-The ‘i’ Sound

The ‘i’ sound is made in different ways

ie          i_e        i              y           igh

Pie       Kite       Kind    Sky         High

Tie        Mise     Mind   Why        Fight

Die        Nice     Find    Try          Fright

Lie         Spice    Wind   Eye           Tight


I fly a kite in the sky


For Inquiry we are learning about the history of the school and the different studios. Me, Sam and Everley were supposed to learn about Papatuanuku. We took photos and than we made them into a pic collage. This is it:


In Maths this week we have been learning about measurement.

We had a sheet of paper that had 50g, 100g and 200g. I would have to get a can, marbles or even salt! And then I would have to guess how heavy it was and then I would weigh it hoping that it was either 50g, 100g or 200g. I worked with Everly and Aria.

Made for you!

As I placed my hands on the glowing keys of the keyboard, they were as bright as a glowstick. Suddenly a surge of energy kicked into me. My fingers began to type so fast that I could not see what I was doing! I had no control of what I was typing so I decided to let my fingers work there magic. Then they finished typing their sentence. “This keyboard was made for you” I read.